Rancang Bangun Alat Desalinasi Air Laut Menjadi Air Tawar Menggunakan Panas Matahari
desalination, solar energy, TDS, drinking water quality, seawater evaporationAbstract
The availability of clean water, a basic human need, is becoming increasingly limited, especially in coastal areas that rely on seawater sources. This study aims to design and develop a seawater desalination device that uses solar energy as its primary power source. The method employed is solar distillation, where seawater is heated by sunlight until it evaporates, and the vapor is then condensed into freshwater. The test results show that the desalination process becomes effective when the water temperature rises and reaches approximately 50°C. This process is influenced by solar intensity, ambient temperature, and humidity, which drops to around 50% when evaporation occurs optimally. Freshwater production reached 62 mL under clear weather conditions, with water quality meeting drinking water standards based on TDS parameters (below 50 ppm). The use of solar energy makes this system environmentally friendly and cost-effective, as it does not require electricity or additional fuel. Therefore, this desalination device can serve as an alternative solution for providing clean water in coastal areas and remote islands with limited access to drinking water.